Interlibrary Loan provides materials (books, articles, etc...) from other libraries to current faculty, staff, and students at no charge.
Request articles from the John Spoor Broome Library Databases A-Z through the JSBLink
, or by copying the citation into the Article Request Form.
Please complete request forms with as much citation information as possible.
For help with citing or locating articles please contact a librarian:
- Email reference.librarian@csuci.edu
- Chat at Ask a Librarian
Physical Books/Materials
ILL requests for physical materials (books, DVDs, etc.) will be filled as long as the lending libraries can fulfill the requests.
ILLiad lending terms are set by the lending libraries. Long or extended loan request times are not realistic. Use the Book Request Form and enter as much citation information as possible. Physical materials take time to arrive. Please plan your research accordingly.
There are two ways to initiate an ILL request:
- CSU+: May be used to borrow physical materials from other CSU libraries. This is done by searching the through the Broome Library catalog
- ILLiad: May be used for all materials whether from CSU libraries or other libraries. If the requested materials are electronic articles, or book chapters, they may be retained by the requesting patrons. Loans of physical materials must be returned by the date due on the item. First-time users will be directed to a registration form after clicking any of the above links. To avoid delays, please fill in all required fields, denoted with a red asterisk (*).
More Info
Contact the Interlibrary Loan Department through email library.ill@csuci.edu.
If you have a transaction number, please include it so we can respond more quickly and accurately to your question. If you don’t have a transaction number, no worries, please email you question and we’ll do our best to help. We monitor this email account during 9am-4pm Mon-Fri.
Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Policy for the Broome Library.
Forms and other ILL Pages
- Article Request Form
- Book Request Form
- View Pending Requests
- View Received Articles
- View/Renew Checked-Out Items
- Citation Linker Use a citation to locate a particular journal, article, or book.
Attention: First-time users will be directed to a registration form after clicking any of the above links. To avoid delays, please fill in all required fields.
How long does it take?
- Materials borrowed from CSU libraries, on average, arrive 3-5 days from the date of request.
- Items borrowed from non-CSU libraries can take 1-2 weeks from the date of the request.
- Arrival times are affected by adverse weather, traffic, and other conditions.
Fines and Service Interruptions
You may be charged a fine of up to $1 per day, in addition to any fees imposed by the lending library, for materials not returned. Library fines may result in your borrowing privileges be suspended, and a hold being placed on your University record (which would block your ability to register for classes, obtain official transcripts, and graduate).
Phone: 805-437-3361
Email: library.ill@csuci.edu
Other Libraries
Information for libraries wishing to borrow from Broome Library