Rafael Perez and 2 other soldiers outside bunkerExhibit Dates: March 29–May 30, 2025
Location: Broome Library, Exhibition Hall

Honoring Ventura County Vietnam Veterans in an exhibit that tells stories of their tour of duty through photos, text, paintings, video interviews and documentaries.

In early 2014 after reading in the LA Times that another Vietnam veteran had died I knew I had to do something. Many veterans were now in their mid sixties soon approaching their seventies. I'm a Vietnam veteran four years from turning seventy. I knew I could make a documentary but I wanted to create an event. Something that would honor the young veterans from Ventura County who died in combat and were forgotten by this country. Secondly, we needed to welcome and thank the veterans who had survived their tour of duty. After 45 years I felt we never received the welcome and respect we deserved.
–George J. Sandoval

Hootch Oxnard Exhibit 2017

Hootch exhibit, Oxnard 2017

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