The John Spoor Broome Library at CSU Channel Islands adheres to the American Library Association’s Privacy and Confidentiality Guidelines. Patron account information is maintained with the highest degree of security and is only used for the purpose of providing library services. Information contained in the patron’s account is not shared with any other individual, including family members. Library staff will not reveal the identity of patrons or materials checked out.
Your Rights of Privacy and Confidentiality
The rights of privacy and confidentiality include but are not limited to these services:
- Materials checked out at the Circulation Desk
- Interlibrary Loans
- Reference questions, interviews, and consultations
- Database search records
- Use of library facilities, equipment, or services
- Discussions with library staff concerning your account, fines, and money owed
Related Links
- The American Library Association (ALA) strongly supports the rights of patron privacy and confidentiality.
- ALA statements on Intellectual Freedom,the Library Bill of Rights, and the Code of Ethics.
- Regarding censorship, read ALA’s Freedom to Read and Freedom to View Statements.
- State Laws on the Confidentiality of Library Records.
- The USA Patriot Act.
Acquired from Florida International University Library
Version: 01
Revised: April/2022
Version Code: v01-revAPR2022